The citizens of Königsberg (today Kaliningrad, Russia) wondered if it was possible to take a walk through the city passing exactly once on each of its (at the time) seven bridges.

Source: MIT OpenCourseWare.

Leonard Euler, a great Swiss mathematician, gave a simple and elegant solution to the matter. To do so, he "translated" the problem into the graph language. Many consider this result, published in 1736, the first paper in Graph Theory. A graph is a set of points (vertices) linked (or not) by one or more dashes (edges).

The original problem of the Konigsberg Bridges, illustrated above, has no solution. Note that for the path to pass exactly once on each bridge, the portions of land where the walk starts and ends are the only ones that can have an odd number of bridges.

Currently, this theory arouses great interest for its many applications: electrical circuits, logistics, administration of networks, etc. For example, a telephone network or the internet can be treated as graphs.

A subway map is a graph.

Place as many bridges as you like connecting the regions and then try, with the chalk, to draw a path that goes through all the bridges without repeating any! There is no need to go back to the starting point. Not always does this problem have a solution. What does the existence of a solution depend on?

If you want to see a little bit more of these amazing bridges, watch the video above! Seize the opportunity to check the other cool videos in the Matemateca's channel on YouTube!

This Wikipedia page gives an overview of the problem of the seven bridges of Königsberg, explaining its origin and some of the reasoning that Leonard Euler had to start the study of Graph Theory.

Speaking of Euler's graph theory, this Wikipedia page talks about such a theory, showing its history, some important definitions and representations, as well as relevant algorithms and generalizations.

This Diogo Cortiz' channel video brings an Introduction to graph theory, relating it to the seven bridges problem of Königsberg, and a presentation of network science applications. The video is a class of the Network Science and Social Network Analysis course.

Finally, an Eulerian path is a path in a graph that visits every edge exactly once, and this Wikipedia page talks about Eulerian paths, explaining what they are and also giving some related examples.