In this exhibit, in each cycle, the LEDs that are lit are read and it is decided which ones will be lit in the next cycle, according to a rule: “a LED will be lit in the next cycle if exactly 4 of its neighbors were lit in the previous cycle” .

The initial condition is chosen by lot. Every time the LED pattern reaches a steady state (everything off, for example), a new initial condition is drawn. Otherwise, the process stops after a certain number of iterations.

Image: Valéria Guimarães

This is an adaptation of the famous Game of Life created by John Horton Conway in 1970, which features stationary, periodic, self-replicating patterns and a whole fauna of phenomena that justifies its name. It belongs to a broad class of dynamic systems called cellular automata.

In Conway's Game of Life, the rule is slightly different from the one we programmed in the 3D version: an unlit cell lights up if it has exactly 3 neighboring cells (out of the possible 8) lit. And a lit cell only stays lit if it has exactly 3 or 4 neighboring cells lit.

In this version, exploited to exhaustion by thousands of people, anything happens! In the next image, you can see a sequence of steps in which the stable configuration of four lights (the little square) is destroyed by a block of lights that "shifts".

Image: Andre Zanki Cordenonsi, at Wikimedia Commons

John Conway's Game of Life is very famous, and this Wikipedia page explains its origin and its rules. In addition, it cites some examples and the algorithms involved in programming this game. It also shows some notable variations and computer programs on it!

If you are interested and want to know how this game works, this Marco Gomes website page shows a summary and brings a simple online version of it, where you can go "running generations" and see what happens with the initial cells throughout the rounds!

This Rational Animations channel video explains what Conway's game of life is and provides a configuration of how this game looks from a certain initial state. It is possible to playfully and almost like an animation as the cells move around the board.

If you want more of an idea of what the rules of this game do from a few cells, this Phillip Bradbury channel video simulates it in an almost hypnotizing way, forming an incredible composition at the end.