2015's News
Lecture at Coimbra
Prof. Eduardo Colli gave the lecture "On interactive exhibitions and the example of Matemateca", at the I International Conference of the Mathematical Space in Portuguese, held in Coimbra from 28 to 31 October 2015.
2015's Scientific Turn
Matemateca participated with an exhibition at IME within the II Virada Científica da USP, held on October 17, 2015.
Lecture at Rio Claro
Prof. Eduardo Colli gave the lecture "Matemateca: an exhibition of Mathematics", at the 35th Week of Mathematics Studies (SEMat) UNESP, Rio Claro, on October 20, 2015.
Eduardo Colli and Deborah Raphael. What is a math exposition? USP Culture and Extension Magazine, no. 13, Suppl., p.75-90, Sep/2015. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2316-9060.v13isupl.p75-90
Freshman Reception Week 2015
An exhibition by Matemateca created especially for students entering IME, between February 23 and 27.
Elegance at Matemateca
This is the title of the article in Revista FAPESP, signed by Neldson Marcolin, in December 2014, on the occasion of the Matemateca exhibition held in the new Rectory building.